Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Tying Together Yin, Yang, Dao, and the Chinese Dream of...

1/ Explain the concepts of â€Å"Yin† and â€Å"Yang†. Using pp. 227 ff in the textbook, try to tie them together with an early understanding of the â€Å"Dao† (â€Å"Tao†) and the Chinese dream of a ‘Golden Age’. The concepts of Yin, Yang, and Dao are beliefs the early Chinese had to better understand the order of nature and its elements. Yang is male energy, and is understood to stand for dry and warm elements in nature, as well as for active and expansive elements. Yin is the female energy, and is therefore the opposite of yang; it is wet and cold, slower and regressive in nature. Furthermore, yang objects (males) are seen as positive, heavenly and more important elements then yin objects (females). Objects in nature may at times have both yang and yin†¦show more content†¦For this reason, the Dao De Jing teaches that a wise human would hold both yin and yang in balance, and incorporate traits, from both, into their lifestyle. Dao also believes in the fact that what goes around comes around, and though someone may not follow the Dao way, nevertheless, in the end, all reverses. Daoism, according to Zhuang-zi, believed that in a world with perfect order and change there is no univers al truth or right way that all creatures must conform to. (Noss and Grangaard 234-241) 3/ Give a brief overview of different variations of Ancestor Veneration. Ancestor veneration was partly the result of a strong relationship based on interdependence of one another. The ancestors deepened on the living to keep them connected to the family, and the memory of them alive. This was done through prayers and sacrifices that were offered up to them. The living depended on their ancestors to provide the family with prosperity and good fortune. Any honor or favor the family received was also received by their ancestor, likewise, the same was true for any disgrace or injury received. Another way a family showed ancestor veneration was through pilgrimages taken by the whole family to their ancestor’s graves where they would leave offerings and restore their graves. Moreover, families also constructed shrines, in their homes, in tribute to their ancestors, and this was the place where sacrifices, prayers, requests and important decisions were presented before the ancestors

Monday, December 16, 2019

Music Therapy Free Essays

Professor Yankee 11/19/12 Music Therapy Why do people use this type of therapy exactly? Well music has been used as medicine for thousands of years and there’s a growing field of health care known as music therapy, which uses music to heal. Those who practice music therapy find benefits in using it to help cancer patients, children with ADD, and others, and even hospitals are beginning to use music therapy to help with pain management, to help ward off depression, to promote movement, to calm patients, to improve communication, to ease muscle tension, and for many other benefits that music and music therapy can bring. A lot of people don’t understand what kind of therapy this is, people have different assumptions about it but it is a real profession that takes a bachelor music degree. We will write a custom essay sample on Music Therapy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Music therapists work with a variety of physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms. It is often used in cancer treatment to help reduce pain, anxiety, and nausea caused by chemotherapy. Some people believe music therapy may be beneficial to the health care of children with cancer by promoting social interaction and cooperation. There is evidence that music therapy can reduce high blood pressure, rapid heart beat, depression, and sleeplessness. There are no claims music therapy can cure cancer or other diseases, but medical experts do believe it can reduce some symptoms, aid healing, improve physical movement, and enrich a patient’s quality of life. Ancient Greek philosophers believed music could heal both body and mind, Native Americans used singing and chants to heal millennia. More formal approaches begin in World War two when hospitals started using music to help soldiers with shell shock. In 1944, Michigan State University established the first music therapy degree program in the world. Music therapists design music sessions for individuals and groups based on their needs and tastes. Some aspects of music therapy include making music, listening to music, writing songs, and talking about lyrics. Music therapy may also involve imagery and learning through music. It can be done in different places such as hospitals, cancer centers, at home, or anywhere people can benefit from its calming or stimulating effects. The patient does ot need to have any musical ability to benefit from music therapy. Most peoples reaction to music is a burst of energy upon hearing an upbeat song or a sense of calm during a soothing classical piece. Music therapy uses this connection between music and mood. It has also been shown to lower amounts of the hormone cortisol, which becomes elevated under stress, and to increase the release of endorphins, the body’s natural â€Å"feel-goodâ₠¬  hormones. Researchers have found that music therapy, when used with anti-nausea drugs for patients receiving high-dose chemotherapy, can help ease nausea and vomiting. A number of clinical trials have shown the benefit of music therapy for short-term pain, including pain from cancer. Music therapy works by stimulating parts of the brain that are associated with music in a person with Alzheimer’s disease, the section of the brain that allows direct recall of memories is damaged. Musical memories, however, are associated not only with the music itself but also with the circumstances surrounding the musical experience. Listening to music can indirectly stimulate the recall of memory fragments that otherwise could not be retrieved. The ability to retrieve some memories can be comforting to people with dementia. In a different manner, music therapy can assist those with Parkinson’s disease. In a person with Parkinson’s, the part of the brain that organizes thoughts and movements into action is damaged. Music with a strong, rhythmic beat can stimulate motor control, movement and coordination. Studies show that gait training that uses music improves walking speed and coordination for people with Parkinson’s. In general, music therapy done under the care of a professionally trained therapist has a helpful effect and is considered safe when used with standard treatment. Musical intervention by untrained people can be ineffective or can even cause increased stress and discomfort. Relying on this type of treatment alone and avoiding or delaying conventional medical care for cancer may have serious health consequences. Besides that there are no real risks or dangers to using music to heal. But how far can music heal you? There was a study that examined 200-300 patients with diabetes participants in a three year study starting this April. Although we do know that music can help vasculature, mental states and mood, there is little to no evidence to suggest that music therapy will help the outcome of diabetes. Perhaps there will be some miraculous benefit for patients suffering from diabetes to engage in extreme music therapy, however previous research indicates that it is not the music itself that determines the benefits, but the emotional responses to the music that is the key. Even though there is little evidence to support that music will help diabetes. Scientific studies have shown the value of music therapy on the body, mind, and spirit of children and adults. Researchers have found that music therapy, when used with anti-nausea drugs for patients receiving high-dose chemotherapy, can help ease nausea and vomiting. A number of clinical trials have shown the benefit of music therapy for short-term pain, including pain from cancer. Some studies have suggested that music may help decrease the overall intensity of the patient’s experience of pain when used with pain-relieving drugs. Music therapy can also result in a decreased need for pain medicine in some patients, although studies on this topic have shown mixed results. Studies have shown that students who take music lessons have improved IQ levels, and show improvement in nonmusical abilities as well. Other studies have shown that listening to music composed by Mozart produces a short-term improvement in tasks that use spatial abilities. Studies of brain circulation have shown that people listening to Mozart have more activity in certain areas of the brain. This has been called the â€Å"Mozart effect. † Although the reasons for this effect are not completely clear, this kind of information supports the idea that music can be used in many helpful ways. What can be improved ? Verbal nonverbal communication, Gross and fine motor movement,Range of motion, Relaxation techniques, Anger management skills, Expression of emotion, Sensory integration, Academic skills, and Leisure skills. We use music to make your life better. Whether you need help socially, cognitively, physically, emotionally, or developmentally, music can help you get better and music therapists trained on how to do that. What’s more interesting, though, is why it works. When used properly, music can be an incredibly powerful treatment tool. And not just because it’s fun, relaxing, and motivating, but because music has a profound impact on our brains and our bodies. First off music is the core function of our brains, we have physiologic responses to music,Our brain is primed early on to respond to and process music. Every time your breathing quickens, your heart-rate increases, or you feel a shiver down your spine, that’s your body responding physiologically to music. Qualified music therapists can use this to help stimulate a person in a coma or use music to effectively help someone relax. Music often has a predictable steady beat, organized phrases, and a structured form. Most country/folk/pop/rock songs, they’re often organized with a verse-chorus structure. They’re organized in a way that we like and enjoy listening to over and over again. Even sound waves that make up a single tone or an entire chord are organized in mathematical ratios–and our brains really like this predictability and structure. Music is in our everyday lives, we hear it in the store, at school, church, music is part of our thoughts, how we speak, even when there’s none around we can still it in our heads. With all these benefits that music can carry, it’s no surprise that music therapy is growing in popularity. Many hospitals are using music therapists for pain management and other uses. Music therapists help with several other issues as well, including stress. While music therapy is an important discipline, you can also achieve many benefits from music on your own. Music can be used in daily life for relaxation, to gain energy when feeling drained, for catharsis when dealing with emotional stress, and in other ways as well. Music therapy has been proven to be an effective form of therapy in a variety of areas for a multitude of ailments. However, there is still much more theorizing, discussion, and research that needs to be done in this area, and that fact makes it all the more interesting. Through technological advances and constantly evolving musical styles as well as cross-cultural influences, this is one form of therapy that will never cease to be innovative and topical. Hopefully, researchers will continue to treat this topic as a serious area of psychology and one that deserves to be molded into a more scientific pedagogy through advancement and refinement of research and therapeutic techniques. I believe there is much more to be discovered about music and its effect on humanity. How to cite Music Therapy, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Digital Marketing Socially Responsible - Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Digital Marketing for Socially Responsible. Answer: Introduction: Vision Statement for the company can be understood as the companys road map, indicating what the company wants to become and guiding transformational initiatives by setting a defined direction for the companys growth (Kirkpatric, 2017) The most trusted name for the design industry- Brand Statement Build an invincible team who foresee the challenges and future trends and work towards it- Team Strategy Build some of the finest designs of the world. I would love to build an image of trust, relationship and loyalty which one embarks on seeing the name C-Design. The company would be the market leader after implementation of the strategy with a high brand recall and good customer retention. Two words should resonate on hearing the name C-Design: Loyalty and Trust. Mission Statement: Be the market leader in the design industry by 2018 and change the outlook of people towards progressive and futuristic designing. The operational areas which need great focus are its product department and the operational team. Both the team have to be on their feet at all times, find new avenues of growth and work towards it. The workforce should be a great influx of experienced and the new found youth. Technology is another parameter where the company should focus on in order to build its brand (Durieux, 2017) Marketing Strategies The marketing strategies were created with the following objectives in the mind: Brand Repositioning New Business Development New Product Development For Brand Repositioning, the company has identified new customer segments Government, Corporate and arts and working towards digital designing while still keeping a focus on the normal designing (Ryan, 2016) The company is moving towards building its name in the digital designing as well, for the purpose of it, the company is coming with new products, like pages, microsite, websites etc. to show their mettle in the digital designing as well. The company is changing its organization structure in order to accommodate better suited individuals for its business development and growth. C-Design has understood that the new school of thinking is the one who is disrupting the entire industry and thus by getting those brains would make them competitive (Zaidi Kumar, 2016) Organization Hierarchy of C-Design In context of the case study, the chart made above describes the structure of C-Design. With Francis Glendele, forming a part of Top management whereas, middle manager is Amanda, who is a senior designer as well the team leader, handling responsibility when Francis and glendele are occupied with too much work. Lower level of management is Van Hong who takes care of designing as well the client servicing. Administrative officer, Holly Main is a temporary employee (intern), rest all other are full time employees. Political No impact Economic Change in economy pushes the business down, and moving towards a digital economy Social People are moving to digital designing Technology Adoption of new tools to stay in the market Legal No Implication Environmental No implication SWOT Internal environment analysis (Includes Brand awareness image, location, skills knowledge, technology, market share etc.) Strengths Experience in the design and communication consultancy Image of a reputed company Experienced team Hub of business location Good brand image Weaknesses Little presence in digital designing Less marketing initiatives Old school thinking External environment analysis (Includes laws regulations, competitors, customers, new technology, skills, partnerships or growth options etc.) Opportunities Various colleges offering degree of design, so a resource pool of candidates Evolution of digital designing, can be beneficial for the business People willing to spend money on designing, in every aspect Threats Growth of cheaper design studios, company inbuilt Excessive competition Growth of digital designing can cause a setback to normal designing Develop HR Strategies Long Term: Work on leadership succession planning Short Term: Hire a team of new and young individuals who can work on the organizational objectives. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Hire a team with average wages; get maximum productivity, doing a positive cost benefit analysis. Resources Current (Identify if strength or weakness) Required to achieve goals (Forecasted) Workforce Moderate strength Recognized names in the industry, but still have to get people from new school of thought Skills Knowledge Moderate strength Adapt the new learning and hire people with relevant skills and competencies Technology/ Software Weakness Have to update and get a good software in sync with the current times Budget Strength In business since 1983, so they have capital, but utilization in technology and workforce is important Recruitment methods procedures Weakness Have to make HR goals in sync with the corporate goals Selection methods procedures Weakness Hire based on the competencies and the gap in the skill set Training and development Weakness Training is essential to keep up with the pace, hence an Training development team has to be in place Conclusion The objective of C-Design is to have business development, new product development and also to rebrand and reposition itself. In order to do so, the company has to think on various levels in order to achieve its objectives. The company has to work on its marketing front to reposition itself, work on the digital designing, as it is the contemporary mode of function, especially when everyone is going digital. Also, the company has to hire some new guys according to the skill set and competencies for the job description, the resource pool has to be ready made in order to fulfil the gap between desired and already have skill sets. Hence, the imperative is on the HR department to choose the right candidates in line with the corporate goals and make the individuals align to their individual goals (Davis Davis, 2017) References: Kirkpatrick, S.A., 2017. Toward a Grounded Theory: A Qualitative Study of Vision Statement Development.Journal of Management Policy and Practice,18(1), p.87. Durieux, C., 2017.Comparison of the impact of formal and informal institutional influences with professional identity on performance outcomes in mission statement organizations: case study of a mission-driven company, Laerdal(Master's thesis). Ryan, D., 2016.Understanding digital marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation. Kogan Page Publishers. Zaidi, Z.Z. and Kumar, R., 2016. Marketing Strategies for Socially Responsible Products-Company Brand Name and Market Scenario: An Industry Cross-Sectional Study.LBS Journal of Management Research,14(1), pp.64-69. Jones, G. and George, J., 2015.Contemporary management. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Davis, P.J. and Davis, P.J., 2017. How HR can create competitive advantage for the firm: Applying the principles of resource-based theory.Human Resource Management International Digest,25(2), pp.4-6.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The effects of diverse culture of IKEA in UAE to Impact of cultural diversity on IKEA

Executive Summary Being incorporated in Sweden , IKEA holds more than 20% overall market share in Sweden , also able to expand successfully over the last twenty-five years in executing what no furniture distributor has ever endeavoured to turn to be an international player in an industry where it was regarded to be local earlier.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The effects of diverse culture of IKEA in UAE to Impact of cultural diversity on IKEA specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More IKEA is the largest furniture retailing giant with a turnover of just 1 million Euros in 1954 and its total turnover has reached 22713 million Euros in 2009 and just 1 store in 1954 to 301 stores in 37 nations in 2009. In UAE, it has two retail stores besides in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Today, IKEA is renowned for its low-priced quality furniture to major markets around the globe. IKEA is the only distributor in its field to have victorio usly made itself in whole of the Europe including Eastern and Southern Europe and more noticeably in USA and in whole of the North America. It is really astonishing how IKEA is managing this vast network of diversity and it appears to be in a characteristic bond of sorts with a robust corporate culture footed on the company’s founder. IKEA acknowledges that cultural variances can result in challenges and misapprehensions but at the same time, they can remain as an incredible source of advantage. IKEA spreads its culture through its â€Å"IKEA Style† by organising seminars for all of its employees whereby the organisations values and roots are detailed and deliberated. Some of the newly joined employees are allowed to make a trip to Sweden where they used to visit the shed where the founder of the IKEA established his business at the start. Some of the employees are even made as an ambassador of the culture they belong. (Hoecklin 35). Impact of cultural diversity on ind ividuals and organisation Identity Structures The mixed group of identities that are seen in the business organisation and the muscle of individual’s connection with particular identities and for instance , despite all people have a gender identify , they differ greatly in the extent to which this identity is significant to them in their own self –definition. (Cox Beale 33).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Prejudice and Discrimination Prejudice refers to the prearranged negative demeanours towards individuals on some group identity. When prejudice demeanours get transformed into demeanours, the discrimination happens. Since discriminations and prejudice are pertinent to a number of group characteristics in business organisations and since, they can be specifically damaging to interpersonal associations. (Cox Beale 96). Stereotyping The state of mental proces s in which the individual is regarded as a member of a group and the info that one has kept in one’s mind about the group is attributed to the individual is known is stereotyping. There exist significant differences between valuing cultural differences and stereotyping. Since, stereotyping is pertinent and persuasive across a wide spectrum of group identities in business organisations, it is important to know more about it as it is decisive for developing capability to manage diversity. (Cox Beale 78). Often, Stereotyping is footed on false notions and anecdotal corroboration or even on consciousness without any direct experience with a group. It denotes about the negative characteristics to members of a group. It engrosses the postulation that characteristics assumed to be common in a cultural group which will be applicable to each and every member. For example, Hamed is an UAE Muslim and hence, he is not aggressive by White, female American standards. (Cox Beale 81). Ethn ocentrism It refers to the predisposition to regard members of one’s group as the focal of the universe, to deduce other social groups from the outlook of one’s own group and to assess the behaviours, beliefs and values of one’s own group to somewhat more positively than those of out-groups. (Cox Beale 33). Resistance to change To know more about the business strategies for administering diversity is a major achievement in bypassing resistance to change initiatives. The resistance to initiating organisational change initiatives associated to diversity frequently happens since these initiatives are regarded as just other stranded efforts in an apparent endless succession of â€Å"hot† interference efforts for making organisations to be more vibrant and competitive. This kind of resistance is footed on very genuine concerns, particularly insofar as they spotlight on the necessity to assimilate different intervention efforts and to make sure that they all a re connected to in general business strategy of the business organisation. (Cox Beale 42). Informal Integration It refers to the impact of diversity, for instance s, the differences in group identity, on informal networks for communication and socialisation and on informal processes of sponsorship and development. Thus, the communication styles practiced by IKEA facilitate to comprehend the nature of host culture like culture of UAE and to operate with behavioural setups and local cultural restrictions in UAE. (Cox Beale 34). Communication There are instances where differences due to intergroup may result in communications barriers or breakdowns. As per Tannen (1994), members of various cultural factions frequently have poignant variances in styles and languages of communications. If diversity in work groups is not well administered, these variances present may act as a bar to understanding and thereby making preserving rapport and trust more difficult. (Cox Beale 42)Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The effects of diverse culture of IKEA in UAE to Impact of cultural diversity on IKEA specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Differences in Management styles If a management trainee is recruited in an IKEA store and if he has to be trained as a entry level manager ,then he will be given training in each of the hourly jobs where he will be learning how the IKEA store is being run , how each department of IKEA functions and rests on a variety of management styles. (Tanke 2000:160). Theory X and theory Y are developed by Douglas McGregor which has two generalised assumptions about human behaviour. Theory X is based on the assumption that people in general are lazy and they must be pushed in productive demeanour on the job. Theory Y is based on that assumption that people can be self motivating and enjoy work if a proper atmosphere exists. McGregor was of the view that majority of people’s nat ure adjusts to Theory Y, where as majority of management styles are based on theory X. (Tanke :209). Literature Review As per research study conducted by John Kotler and James Heskett who were the professors of Harvard Business School in American companies, there were close relationship long-term economic performance of the company and strong corporate culture. Thus, Kotler and Heskett findings corroborate the concept that it is the specific cultural traditions that decide the victory of the strategy for managing the cultural diversity (Hoecklin 35). IKEA is following a successful strategy for managing the cultural differences as it blends the national cultural values of Sweden that with its strategy itself. In IKEA corporate values and practices are constructed around such Swedish values as frugality , egalitarianism , simplicity , hard work , paying attention to individuals etc.Thus ,the values appears to present at the more fundamentals level of human nature that to be specific t o one national culture. IKEA adopted a careful approach and has entered into various markets rather carefully and peers into how they can harmonise present trends in a market. This â€Å"fusion† assists to reduce cultural clash with customers and employees. The job application form of IKEA in all regions including UAE have the following statement at the top thereby establishing a clear cut policy for commemorating diversity from an employee’s initial interface with the IKEA. â€Å"In our IKEA family, we wish to have the human being as focal and to support each other.† (Parker 81).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The establishment of networked systems for communication both socially and technically that helps to adopt fastly has been a special trait of Swedish. What has been referred as â€Å"relationship management â€Å"engrossed in might communications systems has been pioneered in the Sweden. Such value added networks together with the variety of services they offer, emanate from out of the highly developed â€Å"visual spatial† intelligence that is mirrored in creating cultural diversity in IKEA. (Lessem 359). IKEA stands as model that the creation of transnational corporate culture and identity is possible and the replica selected by IKEA for establishing its transnational corporate identify has been however condemned since it is more heavily relied towards Swedish national culture. It is to be noted that the simple transnationalisation of a Swedish culture around the world might be followed by a significant losses to corporate’s flexibility and as well as creativity. I t is rather surprising that the overwhelming success of IKEA’s strategy which means one-directional conveyance of the Swedish management technique to assimilate into other cultural atmosphere like UAE. It really connotes that IKEA’s values specifically vulnerable to cultural convergence and transnationalisation since they symbolise significant values of our present times and globalised world. (Mann Gotz 307). To remain successful in USA, IKEA was compelled to make transformations to the idea that had earlier worked well in Europe and Asia including UAE. In 1985, IKEA entered into the American market. In 1988, IKEA witnessed a steel fall in its sales in USA in alarming proportion. It was evident that some features of the IKEA ideology were not appreciated or understood by Americans. To adjust the IKEA culture with that of American culture, IKEA has to undertake major transformations in its cultural ideology. Though it was a novel experience for IKEA, it has been compel led to introduce some proper cultural fine tunings in other nations also including UAE. Though, the salient structure of IKEA cultural ideology remained unchanged, some fine-tuning was needed to Americanise the concept. Due to this, IKEA penetration into the US market progressed up astonishingly. (Edvardsson Enquist 2008:89). About 20,000 new employees are being recruited by IKEA on yearly basis. All of these new employees are appointed at the national level and there has been much transfer between various nations’ operations. IKEA is of the strong view that diversity offers a more demanding business. (Edvardsson Enquist 89). Appropriate staff recruitment at the store level at UAE has been regarded as a cornerstone and specific attention is paid to experience in retailing and a service-oriented attitude of the new recruits and if they lack specific skills, adequate training is being given to them that will suit the cultural diversity of UAE. When interviewed the managers of various IKEA stores across the globe including UAE, they observed that the key role played by the IKEA culture is one of the strong factors of success. (Edvardsson Enquist 91). The style in which IKEA sells furniture through Swidishness or Swidishness through its furniture is the best illustration of the style that present globalisation encourages the commoditification of the cultural difference. (Radway Janice 1994: 206) It is to be observed that as societies integrate culturally, they become more diverse in many aspects. For instance, IKEA has brought Swedish design to UAE co-existing with UAE design. (Collier Dollar 15). IKEA has built a vibrant corporate culture footed on some key values of the company’s founder which are fundamentally the same in every nation in which IKEA do business. IKEA’s style of management has a universal appeal. IKEA employed a global style of management which maintained a â€Å"Swedish Flavour â€Å"which is in consonance with their own corporate practices which have an edge over other styles of management. IKEA employs pioneering workplace efforts to corroborate its inclusive viewpoint like â€Å"pancakes with store manager â€Å"gatherings where co-employees have a chance to exchange their view in an open forum. For supervisors and managers, IKEA is having in place mandatory value workshops in regular phase. In IKEA, diversity is being ensured and also celebrated and the every employees are asked to rate the managerial skills of IKEAs managers and their rating will be used in their salary review. Recommendation Tools for Managing Diversity Empowerment Diversity exists in a business organisation when there exists varied cultural, demographic and personal differences among the employees who work there and the customers who receive services or products from there. (William 2005:395). Diversity refers to characteristics of individuals that mould their identities and their experience in the workplace. Diversity refers to the magnitude of variances among members of an organisation or a group. In many ways, people are diverse. Within the workforce, people differ in their ethnicity /race, gender, religion, ability and age. There also exists differences in their sexual , military status , values ,expectations , socioeconomic status , lifestyle , work style , and position or function within the organisation .( Lussier 2006:242_. Keys (1995) emphasises that through empowerment of employees a business can achieve organisational process and can attain an excellent quality service. Further, TQM spotlights on managing the whole organisation to yield quality to customers and significant ingredients include employee empowerment, client satisfaction and continuous enhancement in customer satisfaction. ( Kirst –Ashman Hull 167). Diversity Training Programs IKEA’s dedication to the ever prolonging development of its employees was mirrored in the IKEA’s policies on development and tr aining of its employees. The company is having in place a wide-ranging professional and training program to strengthen and promote the advancement of its workforce. Its workforce could make use of many available resources including classroom sessions, books and online instructions to cater their needs in acquiring advanced knowledge or increasing their skills. IKEA is also having specialised training programs in provinces like health, diversity, environmental and safety consciousness. (Pearce 709). Mentoring/Networks Mentoring has been used an important tool of IKEA’s employee knowledge program . IKEA launched a program namely â€Å"partners for growth† which was a twelve months mentoring effort that teamed IKEA’s junior managers with senior managers from different locations of IKEA. Mentoring is anticipated to train and prepare junior managers for the top positions in the future and to assist IKEA to cater its needs in coming years. (Pearce 709). Summary IKEA i ntends to have a workforce that mirrors the diversity of a neighbourhood. For instance , IKEA store in Atlanta has a mixed workforce which includes Asians , whites , Hispanics and African –Americans. Its stores office in Atlanta also does have a diversified workforce as logistic manager of its store is a German whereas its workers include workforce from Denmark , Guyana , Canada and Spain. Thus , diversity in IKEA is one facet that to move around its Swedish roots but at the same juncture acknowledging varied cultures. Thus , IKEA is having a diversified workforce where its entire workforce is called co-workers and its managers are involved in helping the company to market its products towards target customers . IKEA is strongly believing in variety of workforce from varied backgrounds will fortify its organisation setup and thus making their company a really true ,strong , global company. ( Ritzler 2007). Conclusion If one takes into account the lessons learnt by IKEA when t hey globalised their business strategies and by relying on particular theory and research in the gamut of cross cultural diversity it could be concluded that in spite of real globalisation process , cultural differences prolong to divide the globe into provinces and conditions and the possibility of perusing a global style of management and standardisation of products , operating methods and services on the global level. Hence, variances in perceptions, communications and values which make significant to comprehend the nature of host culture and function with local cultural restrictions and behavioural patterns. These issues may make constraints in the fields like product development, marketing, HRM, organisational structures and other management problems. Comprehending behavioural variances is a crucial factor as it defines the style in which organisations do businesses. Hence , international companies like IKEA must assess their business practices to make sure that regional norms in UAE in behavioural characteristics are being given great significance. Thus , IKEA tradition encourages the realisation of every individual potentiality and respecting everyone’s diversity and IKEA visualises this as an integral aspect of its competitive advantage. Recruitment strategy of IKEA relies heavily on values and diversity and not on its earlier retail practices. IKEA’s dedication to diversity is corroborated by the fact that it offers translations for non-English applicants both during the recruitment phases and during the induction phases and IKEA’S workplace slogan is â€Å" dare to be you.† Thus , IKEA’s rational cultural diversity and workplace efforts have assisted to maintain the lower labour turnover rate in the industry and it also helps to increase its performance and profitability year after year. Works Cited Collier, Paul Dollar, David. Globalisation, Growth and Poverty: Building an Inclusive World Economy. New York: World Bank, 2002. Cox, Traylor Beale, Ruby L. Developing Competency to Manage Diversity : Reading , Cases and Activities. New York: Barrett –Koehler Publishers, 1997. Edvardsson Bo Enquist Bo. Value-Based Service for Sustainable Business: Lessons From IKEA. New York: Taylor Francis, 2008. Hoecklin , L.A. Managing Cultural Differences For Competitive Advantage. Hyderabad: University Press, 2000. Kirst –Ashman , Karen K Hull, Grafton H. Generalists Practices with Organisations and Communities. London: Cengage Learning, 2008. Lessem, Ronnie. Management Development Through Cultural Diversity. New York: Routledge Taylor Francis Group, 1998. Mann, Clarence J Gotz, Klaus. Borderless Business: Managing the Far-Flung Enterprise. New York: Greenwood Publishing, 2006. Parker, Barbara. Introduction to Globalisation and Business: Relationships and Responsibilities. New York: Sage Publishing, 2005. Pearce. Strategic Management : Formulation , Implementation and Control. New Delhi. T ata McGraw Hill, 2008. Radway, Lawrence Janice. Cultural Studies: Vol 8, Issue 2. New York: Routledge Taylor Francis Group, 1994. Ritzler , Karl W. ( 2007). Swedish Standards Drive IKEA. 18 December 2010 Web. Tanke, Mary L. Human Resources Management for the Hospitality Industry. London: Cengage Learning, 2000. This report on The effects of diverse culture of IKEA in UAE to Impact of cultural diversity on IKEA was written and submitted by user Wh1teQueen to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Summary of Stoicism

Summary of Stoicism Free Online Research Papers Stoicism is one of the most influential and important traditions of the Hellenistic world. The Stoic doctrine was taught by the first recognized Stoic, Zeno of Citium. He founded the school of Stoicism around c. 300 BC. at Athens and was significant throughout the Greco-Roman world until at least AD 200. This school produced a number of remarkable writers and personalities. Stoicism focused on freeing oneself of suffering through developing an understanding of natural law and involves improving the individuals’ spiritual well-being, along with overcoming destructive emotions. Stoicism’s prime directives are virtue, reason, and natural law. Stoics believe by mastering passions and emotions, it is possible to conquer the disagreement of the outside world and find peace within oneself. The Stoics define philosophy as a practice or exercise in concerning only what is beneficial to their way of life. For the Stoics, nothing passes unexplained. There is a reason for everything in nature and they live constantly with nature. Stoics considered that through any stage of development it was God who molded and dominated passive matter in term of â€Å"progress†. They believed that the Law of Nature was God’s material presence in the Universe and he is also the reason and soul behind animate creation. The Stoics concluded, only by putting aside passion, unjust thoughts, and indulgence and by performing what you have to do with the right nature; people can achieve true freedom and rule as lords over their own lives. Cites ? The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Copyright  © 2001-05 Columbia University Press. www.bartleby.com/Stoicism. ? Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World. Copyright  © 2004 by The Gale Group, Inc. www.answers.com/Stoicism ? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoicism ? plato.stanford.edu/entries/stoicism ? www.utm.edu/research/iep/s/stoicism.htm Research Papers on Summary of StoicismComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThree Concepts of PsychodynamicResearch Process Part OneCapital PunishmentUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresGenetic EngineeringThe Spring and AutumnEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married Males

Friday, November 22, 2019

Your Complete Guide to Acing Your Next Job Interview

Your Complete Guide to Acing Your Next Job Interview While the debate is still going on as to whether or not you need a cover letter, and the switch to electronic resumes is pretty much a done deal, there’s one aspect of the job search process that remains pretty much unchanged- you’re going to have to interview. It’s pretty much a given. Your prospective employer needs to see you in person to make sure you are sane, ready, willing, and able to take on all the tasks required by the open position. It’s hard not knowing what to expect. Will your interviewer be chill and jokey? Stern and formal? Will you hit it off and not be able to stop talking, or will there be awkward silences where you don’t know what to say?Here, we’ve compiled our best advice about the interview process, so you know what to expect every step of the way.First, Do Your HomeworkIt should go without saying (but we’ll say it anyway, again and again)- you must research the company before your interview. Know the basics: co mpany size, various locations, its main products or services- basically, if it can be found online, you should know it already before you walk in the doors. Your next bit of pre-interview prep should be to come up with a list of questions you’ll ask your interviewer about the company and position. There’s almost 100% chance he or she will end the interview with, â€Å"Any questions?† You better be prepared with some, or it will look like you don’t care. Here are some tips to get you started.Ask These 10 Interview Questions to Impress Your Hiring ManagerThe Most Important Question You Need to Ask in an Interview5 Unique Questions to Ask in a Job InterviewPrepare for Specific Question TypesOf course you don’t know for certain what questions your interviewer has prepared,  we have been though and combed through thousands of interviews. We’re familiar with the questions that come up again and again, and have insight into what hiring managers w ant to hear.First, the specifics. There’s no excuse for being unprepared when, let’s face it, hiring mangers can be pretty unoriginal. There’s a good chance one of the following questions will come up, so why not prep beforehand exactly what you want to say?How to Answer the â€Å"What Motivates You† Job Interview QuestionHow To Answer the Interview Question, â€Å"Why Are You Looking For a New Job?†How to Answer the Interview Question â€Å"What Makes You Unique?†How to Answer the â€Å"What’s Your Biggest Weakness?† Question in InterviewsHow to Answer the â€Å"How Would You Fire Someone?† Interview QuestionHow to Answer the Most-Asked Customer Service Interview QuestionNext, common interview question categories. Salary, behavioral, and situational interview questions also follow typical patterns. Check out the following to familiarize yourself with exactly what these questions entail and what interviewers want to hear .How to Answer the Salary Question in an InterviewHow to Answer Behavioral Interview QuestionsHow to Answer Situational Interview QuestionsWhat You Do Matters As Much As What You SaySo your questions are in hand, you know about the company, and you’re ready for the big day. But even if you have the most brilliant answers to all the questions lobbed your way, if you look like a mess and don’t master the art of professional body language, you won’t come across and qualified as you could. Check out the following advice about how to match your physical self with the smarts and ability you possess.What to Do With Your Hands During a Job Interview7 Common Body Language Mistakes People Make During Interviews7 Worst Things to Wear to a Job Interview11 Body Language Mistakes You’re Making in Your InterviewKnow the Bad So You Can Avoid It!You can study and study about what the best things are to say, but it also helps to know the worst, so you can avoid them. Maybe you don’t know what is and is not appropriate interview-speak. Maybe you’re used to an informal work environment and think that carries over to other workplaces. Maybe you’ve only seen interviews in movies and want to emulate some questionable habits. Before you do that, read the following so you don’t do or say something you regret.10 Personal Things Not to Say in an Interview10 Things You Should Not Say in an Interview7 Real Life Interview Mistakes That You Can Learn From5 Reasons You Just Had a Really Bad InterviewYour Guide to Unorthodox InterviewsIt’s hard enough prepping for a one-on-one situation- what if you’re facing a group of interviewers, or being questioned at the same time as a bunch of other people vying for the job? What if you’re applying for out-of-state or out-of country gigs and Skype or the phone are your only options?How to Survive Your Upcoming Panel InterviewHow to Survive Your Group InterviewHow to Prepare fo r a Remote Job InterviewKnow When You  Don’t Have to AnswerSure you want to aim to please during the interview- you’ll say what it takes to get the job, right? Not necessarily. There are some red flags you should be aware of before you start your interview; some are even illegal. No matter how badly you want your interviewee to like you, or how much you want the job, be on the lookout for illegal or unethical questions, and know what to say if they do come up.11 Unethical Interview Questions You Don’t Need to AnswerHow to Combat Illegal Interview QuestionsAfter Your InterviewSo, you did it. You researched, knew exactly what to say, had a polished outfit, elegant body language, and smart questions to ask. What’s next? Maybe they’ll call the next day with an proposal for a second interview- whoo hoo! Maybe you’ll hear†¦ nothing. Who knew silence could be so deafening? Or maybe you’ll get a polite but firm â€Å"no,† which, after all that work, is a colossal bummer. Read on for tips on what to do in these situations.Your Guide to a Successful Second InterviewHow to Handle Post Interview Silence5 Ways to Handle Rejection Like a ProInterviewing is a game. And once you know how to play it, it almost can become second nature. Know the tricks of the trade, work hard, and go into every interview with passion and grit. We promise, you’re sure to find success soon!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

King David Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

King David - Essay Example David was a youthful military leader prior to his kingship. His leadership would liberate Israel from the cold hearted culture developed by the first king that Israelites had chosen to lead them in rebellion, because they could not hold and wait for God’s purpose and timing. According to the bible, David was a King that at times experienced failure in his humanity, yet as told he still sought God with his whole heart. However, today there are those that would say that David’s Kingdom and David were indeed Israel’s imagination and a legendary military hero that never existed in the actual sense. Liberal critical consensus about David has long been that he was a legendary figure in the history of Israel. There are scholars that often stress that the stories on King David are mere embellishments of a national hero whose existence is not in history is not certain (Huyck, 1). For example, Kyle McCarter states that: â€Å"The Bible is our only source of information ab out David.   No ancient inscription mentions him.   No archaeological discovery can be securely linked to him. . . .We cannot assume, therefore, that a statement about David in a given part of the Bible derives from an early source.   The David of Chronicles, for example, is the idealized David of the second Commonwealth, not the David of history (Huyck, 1).† Contrary to this statement and many others like it, archeological evidence has tallied with most historical mentioning within the bible and other historical literature and findings to prove that indeed the Kingdom of David and David as king existed at some point in history. This has strengthened the biblical view and story that indeed David was not a mere myth, but true King that existed and left a legendary mark in the history if Israel (Huyck, 1). The first recently highlighted and iconic archeological finding that attested to this occurred seven years after the discovery of the Solomonic gate by the Mazars. In th at instance in 1993, an archaeological team digging in the northern part of Israel discovered a large stone tabled with inscriptions that read: â€Å"House of David â€Å"and â€Å"King of Israel.† This stunning uncovered piece of evidence was dated back to the 9th Century B.C. This is indeed one of the many uncovered evidence that proofs that David’s kingdom not only existed, but his reign started a royal dynasty. The twelve acre triangle city developed by David’s reign lay some 350 feet, south of the today’s walled Jerusalem, beyond and on the eastern ridge known as Ophel. Benjamin Mazar is quoted by the Associated Press, as having said that: â€Å"Now we have more or less the feeling that this is really a gate of Jerusalem from the period of the kings of Judah† (April 21, 1986). This leaves most people wondering as to whether archaeology is indeed coming up to fill the bits and prove the biblical history that recounts the life and leadership o f David. Eilat Mazar indeed attests to this statement by saying that she had learned to pore and relate to biblical text to an extent that she had discovered that indeed it makes descriptions of true historical reality. Eilat states that: â€Å"It is not a simple matter to differentiate the layers of textual sources that have been piled†¦over generations; but it is clear that concealed within the Biblical text are grains of detailed historical truth (Coogan 71).†

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Recruitment and Selection Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Recruitment and Selection Strategy - Assignment Example This research will begin with the duties and tasks of a sales manager. The major duty of a sales manager is to establish goals for the sales team and to come up with plans to achieve them. He should come up with innovative strategic methods to increase the market base and market share. It will be the duty of the sales manager to take an active role in recruiting and forming new sales team. He shall provide the adequate training and educational programs that they need. The sales manager should be able to adapt to the global standards and manage the budget for his department by minimizing expenditures. He should be able to adapt to utilizing online sales support system. He should be able to strongly understand the customer and market dynamics and their requirements. He will directly report to the Sales Director and submit the sales report every month. He will discuss the goals set and his strategy for the future market with the sales director. Monitors the performance of each Account E xecutive, analyzes their strengths and weaknesses, and provide them with appropriate feedback and tips for further improvement. He shall establish programs to motivate the accountant executives. The manager will make appropriate presentations and reports regarding products and sales performance to clients and executives. He should have 3-5 years experience in sales management with excellent oral and communication skills. He should have the ability to lead, guide, and motivate a diverse sales team. Also, he must be willing to be exposed to global divisions. A proven leadership and ability to drive sales teams is a chief requirement. This study will present most effective methods of attracting applicants. As indicated earlier, job posting refers to the practice of publicizing an open job to employees (often by literally posting it on bulletin boards) and listing its attributes, such as criteria of knowledge, qualification, skill, and experience. The purpose of posting vacancies is to bring to the attention of all interested persons (inside or out of the organization) the jobs that are to be filled. Selected attributes of the job, for example, skill or experience, will change; There are sufficient qualified, potential applicants serving in other positions within the organization who may be potential candidates for that job. Also necessary is the availability of a functional human resource information system that supports recruitment. An effective, computerized system [for medium and large scale] would: flag imminent vacancies throughout the organization to ensure that the recruitment process is timely; ensure that no candidates are lost but, instead, move through the process and are kept informed of their status; ensure that good candidate whose applications are pending are kept in touch to maintain their interest in the organization; assist in analyzing hiring, transfer and exit trends and provide other data that are helpful in planning, evaluating and auditing the recruitment process; identify any adverse impacts of the recruitment process on vulnerable groups (for example minorities, especially where Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action legislation exists);; As the sales manager position requires better understanding about the companies market goals, principles, and strategies, it would be better to look for internal candidates also who are more experienced and are having sufficient potential to perform the job.  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Fuge in C Minor- Bach Essay Example for Free

Fuge in C Minor- Bach Essay Johann Sebastian Bach’s was born on the 21st of March 1685 and died in 1750. He was a German composer, during the Baroque period. His Fugue in C minor was written in the middle years of his life, 1722. A fugue is a contrapuntal composition, where a subject is developed. It has 3 main parts an Exposition, Middle section and the Final Section. The exposition is where the subject/theme of the piece is first announced, and is then answered by other voices. In Bach’s Fugue in C minor it is written for three parts, the Soprano, alto and bass. It is the alto who first states the subject in bar 1. The subject is the theme of which the fugue is established. This subject finishes on the first beat of bar 3. After this subject is stated the alto starts with a counter subject (accompanies the subject), while the soprano voice answers the subject with the answer (transposition of the subject). This answer is tonal, because the intervals are not exactly the same and it is in the dominant key of G minor. Between where the final voice, the bass enters with the subject and where the answer finished is a small 2 bar codetta, where both the soprano voice is based on the subject in sequence and the alto voice is based on the counter subject in sequence. Jus before the bass enters there is a false entry in the alto voice. When the Bass enters with the subject at bar 7 in it’s original form and both of the other parts continue with countersubject material. At the first down beat of bar 9 the exposition finishes. The middle section is where subject is developed it is also where episode 1 starts. An episode is a connecting passage, developed from previous material. Episode 1 starts off with the soprano and alto voice in stretto, where one voice comes in before the other has finished, and the bass is accompanying them with scalar passages based on the countersubject material. Bar 11 is the first middle section is heard. It consists of the soprano voice having the subject, but in a different key. The bass with counter subject material accompanies it. Episode 2 where soprano voice has the contrary motion of the counter subject and the lower two parts are in thirds ccompanying. Bar 15 is the 2nd middle entry in G minor, where the subject is heard by the alto with the soprano with counter subject material. The third episode starts in bar 17 where the soprano and bass voices have the subject material in rising sequence. The alto part is based on the counter subject but in contrary motion to the original counter subject. At bar 18 the alto and bass parts swap parts. The final section (where the piece returns to it’s original key) starts at the 3rd middle entry in bars 20. The 3rd middle entry goes from bar 20 to the first downbeat of bar 22. It has the soprano voice with the subject, while the bass and alto hold the countersubject. Episode 4 is the longest as it goes from bar 22 to half way through 26, it is in C minor. At the start of this episode the soprano and alto voices are in stretto like they were in episode 1. The bass part continues with the counter subject material until the end of the episode 4. At bar 25 the soprano has the subject. The soprano and bass swap parts half way through bar 26 and this is the start of the 4th middle entry. The 4th middle entry returns to C minor, here the soprano and bass swap parts and the bass has the subject. In bars 29 to the end we hear a coda. This is where we hear the subject for the last time after a short cadential phrase. This is accompanied by a pedal not in the bass. Overall Bach’s Fugue in C minor is written very similar to what generally a fugue is. Fugue in C minor has an Exposition, middle section and final section. He has also put in four episodes and four middle entries. The four episodes are bars 9-13, 14-17, 18-21, 22-31. The Four middle entries are bars 11-13, 15-17, 19-22, 26-28. This fugue ends like many other fugue’s with the subject heard one last time in the original tonic key.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Importance of the Role of the Teacher Essay -- Education Teaching

The Importance of the Role of the Teacher The future of the world is in the hands of the children. Whether the future be a positive or negative one depends on the children and the education they receive. The education of a child is so valuable that one needs to consider the importance of the child's education. Also, one needs to consider how to go about nurturing those bright minds so one day they can become independent individuals. As Educators, one needs to be aware of the short-term effects as well as the long-term effects in which education may play on the child's views of the world. In order to be able to provide a good education to a child, it is necessary for there to be a place in which both the educator and student can meet in equal terms. In order for this to occur there has to be a bond between the teacher and student. Without this bond it is impossible for both parties to set goals, work out those goals together and finally accomplish them. A sense of understanding between both the teacher and student is imperative. A point where both parties meet and are aware of the responsibilities each one has to each other. Both the teacher and student need to be aware of each other's roles and how important those roles play in the achievement of the educator and student. For example, the teacher serves as the provider of information, as well as the one that holds the power in a class. "They hold the grades, and usually students perceive them as holding the knowledge, too" (Zawodniak 124). The way teachers use this power defines the perspective of their pedagogy, the teacher's perspective of the art of teaching. The approach the teacher takes and how much knowledge she would like to deliver to the class depends on th... ... free to speak their mind without being intimidated of the teacher. Once students feel free to speak their mind, they will grow mentally, physically and emotionally, eventually becoming an individual who has learned from the teacher to respect and value knowledge. By working together teachers and students will "achieve a pedagogy that is truly student-centered" (Zawodniak 131), a relationship that is open, honest, and has one goal in mind: that education is the future, and our students hold that future. The power of the future is knowledge, respect it and value it. Works Cited: Cheney,Lynne V. "PC: Alive and Entrenched." The Presence of Others. T Second ed. New York: St. Martin,1997. Zawodniak, christian. "I'll Have to Help Some of You More Than I Wan t>To":Teacher Power, student Pedagogy." The presence of Others. Second ded. New York: St. Martin, 1997.

Monday, November 11, 2019

English Macbeth coursework Essay

Is the supernatural wholly responsible for the tragedy that occurs or is Macbeth fatally flawed and responsible for his own heinous crimes? It is my contention that all of the central characters have some integral part to play in the tragedy that occurs. Each have some function in the heinous crimes, and hence one individual cannot be held completely responsible for the bloodshed that occurs. William Shakespeare was born in April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. His father was named John Shakespeare; he was originally a glove maker before eventually becoming a politician. His mother, Mary Arden, belonged to the ranks of high society, being from a wealthy family, she subsequently inherited a great deal of money and farmland. Shakespeare was the third child born to the couple, but was the first to survive. The Shakespeare’s went on to have four children, Gilbert, Richard, Joan and Mary. Shakespeare’s family was quite wealthy, and when Shakespeare was four, his father was established as High Bailiff of Stratford. Shakespeare’s first school was Petty school and when he was seven, it is believed that he went to the local grammar school until at the age of twelve, when he left to help his father who had run into financial trouble. At the age of eighteen, Shakespeare met Anne Hathaway who was the daughter of a local farmer. She was twenty-six. They married in November 1582 and in May 1583 gave birth to their first child Susanna, she was followed two years later by twins Hamnet and Judith. Shortly after this, Shakespeare left Stratford, leaving his family behind. Sometime between 1585 and 1592, Shakespeare arrived in London and found a job in the theatre. He began to act and write a variety of plays and they were hugely popular, though many considered him to be intellectually insecure given that he was not university educated. In 1956, sadly young Hamnet died. By the age of 33, Shakespeare was making vast amounts of money and had been propelled to success, thus gaining country wide fame. He bought the second biggest house in Stratford, lots of land and a share in London’s finest theatre, ‘The Globe’. When James 1 became king he displayed a huge interest in the theatre given that he was patron of the arts. He ordered Shakespeare’s company to change their name to the ‘King’s Men’. In June 1613, Shakespeare’s play ‘Henry V111’ was put on at ‘The Globe’. During the play, a live cannon shot out a burning ball of paper, which landed on the thatched roof of the theatre. The whole building caught fire and within an hour it had burnt to the ground. After this, Shakespeare decided to retire and move back to Stratford. He was forty-nine and had written thirty-seven plays. He died on the 23rd of April 1616 at the age of fifty-two. He was buried two days later in Holy Trinity Church in Stratford. ‘Macbeth’ was an old Scottish legend and according to the ‘Holinshed’s chronicles of England, Scotland and Wales’, Macbeth became king of Scotland in 1040 after having defeated an inadequate, weak and youthful leader. Shakespeare’s Duncan was much older and demanded respect from Thanes; his murders were more heinous in the dramatic interpretation. The historical Macbeth reigned as king for 17 years. James 1, formerly a ruler in Scotland, was the eighth descendant of the Banquo-Fleance line and because of this Shakespeare presented Banquo in a more honourable light than the historical Banquo actually was. James 1 was intrigued and terrified by witchcraft. In 1597, he produced a book called ‘Daemonolougie’, which acted as a guide to recognise and defeat witches. King James believed that he had encountered witches and claimed three witches had raised a storm in order to drown him on his wedding trip. He believed that his encounter was real and three women were consequently murdered after they admitted sailing in a sieve to sink the ship. However, Shakespeare presented this encounter in Act one scene three. During this century, it is estimated that between 4,500 and 8,000 women were destroyed for supposedly practising witchcraft. The king even passed a law proclaiming death to anyone who was thought to be meddling in the dark forces. Shakespeare used the idea of witchcraft, kingship and moral order to develop the play, as these themes were greatly admired by a Jacobean audience. The play is extremely dramatic in its depiction of the corruption of natural order and raw ambition. It starts with the three strange witches meeting on an empty heath. King Duncan wins a great battle and Macbeth becomes a hero. Furthermore, Macbeth and Banquo meet the witches. They predict that Macbeth will be the ‘Thane of Cawdor’ and later King. The prophetic hag’s first prophecy comes true and Macbeth does become ‘Thane of Cawdor’. Macbeth writes to Lady Macbeth telling her what the witches said. In an ambitious move the husband and wife plot to kill King Duncan. When Duncan comes to stay at Macbeth’s castle, Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to go ahead with the murder and grudgingly he does. Malcolm and Donaldblain, sons of Duncan, escape to England and Macbeth is crowned King. However, Macbeth does not trust Banquo and has him murdered, but when Macbeth has a feast, Banquo’s ghost appears. Hence, Macbeth resolves to revisit the witches and he sees strange apparitions, meanwhile, Macduff’s wife and children are murdered by order of Macbeth. Lady Macbeth then becomes insane and dies. The castle is attacked, Macbeth is killed and Malcolm is proclaimed King. One lone character cannot be solely to blame for this tragedy, all of the central characters should be apportioned some blame. Macbeth is a brave and noble soldier who fought heroically for King Duncan. One would not suspect him of pre-mediated murder. Therefore, the witches must have had the ability to corrupt, manipulate and shape his mind. Macbeth must certainly be apportioned some blame as every man is in control of his own destiny. The witches never specifically told him to kill, they merely implanted a suggestion. Macbeth obviously had ambition, which was sparked from the beginning. The witches simply helped to spark this ambition and then worked to keep it alight. He acts along with the help of Lady Macbeth. She manipulates and supports his evil deeds. Macbeth had the power to reject the witch’s suggestions and allow nature to take its course, this is evident, as he was able to control hundreds of soldiers in battle and give orders. He was not a weak and challenged man man. Macbeth was on the contrary selfish and power hungry. He let his greed influence him. â€Å"Loves for his own ends, not for you† However, one can reason that Macbeth was not always in control. He is said to be in a ‘rapt state’ and one whethers this has anything to do with the elemental forces or his over – sexual, manipulative wife. Even so, he may be possessed but he is in control of himself as the dialogue suggests, â€Å"Stay you imperfect speakers tell me more† In addition, his tone changes as he gains confidence and he becomes aggressive. This suggests that he is in control and can make up his own decisions. However, there are reflective moments when he reflects on his actions and decides against murder. â€Å"If chance will have me king, why chance may crown me/without my stir† However, this way of thinking is soon non-existent in the second act. Macbeth would be viewed as a hero if he made his own judgement and resisted the temptation. Lady Macbeth is also marginally to blame. She is introduced when she reads Macbeth’s letter. She is pushed, pressurised, manipulated and calculated the pre-meditated murder. She is powerful and dear to Macbeth and takes full advantage of this. However, we would not expect a woman to rein such power, as this would have been unlikely given the period. Without her cajoling, Macbeth may never have gone through with the first murder. She took control and handled the murders as an unsexed entity. It seems that Lady Macbeth may have been connected with the supernatural before, as she calls out to evil spirits. â€Å"unsex me here† Lady Macbeth could be considered a witch according to the standards of Shakespeare’s day. She subverts the order of the sexes and the usual family hierarchy by trying to assume more power than the head of the family, her husband. She does appear to have more power over him, as she challenges his manhood so he will commit the murder of Duncan. â€Å"And live a coward in thine own esteem† She uses sexual means to control her puppet – like husband and entrances him; thus she is like a witch. By challenging her husbands manhood, she is making him mentally impotent yet in the same way pleading for herself to become an unsexed entity, on an equal power with her husband given his impotent and fragile state, if anything Lady Macbeth is more aggressive in this strange role reversal. This is highlighted in the following quotation, â€Å"When you durst do it, then you were a man† She does not follow the typical role of the wife; she transforms the social order and thus becomes the pinnacle of the family and her alliance with the dark forces becomes dubious, the fact that she works with the weird sisters to influence Macbeth suggests that she is at least indirectly allied with them. Though it can be said that, Lady Macbeth retains her mortal form and temporal powers; she has simply touched on the deep-seated ambitions and greed that were already present in him. Although Lady Macbeth coserts her power and dominance over her weak, ineffectual husband, the elemental forces also corrupt the impotent Macbeth. She also encourages Macbeth to become more confident and assertive and tempt him into using his ambition for his own gains. Without this guidance and the corrupt suggestions, Macbeth would probably have never acted on his impulses and desire for power. The witches cast spells and provide apparitions and thus drive his hunger for power and dominance. The withches intentionally taunt him by making him believe that he is in control, they change their tone and act subservient towards him, â€Å"speak, demand, we’ll answer† We are also more prone to condemning them more as we learn the grotesque content of their cauldron, â€Å"pour in sow’s blood that hath eaten her nine farrow† These ingredients sound equally gruesome to Macbeth, yet this is overshadowed by the vague, riddled promises that they make, â€Å"for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth† They continually meddle in his life and one could question whether they had anything to do with the hallucinations. Most of the play is written in blank verse, which resembles the natural rhythm of spoken English. The language flows in this form, certain syllables are stressed and there is a lack of end rhyme. However, this rhythm is disturbed when the weird witches are present in the scene. The language and verse is varied, with the witches and present. The verse is much choppier and sharper. Shakespeare also used rhyming couplets, which is particularly applicable for use in the witch scenes, as riddled; rhyming couplets enhance the devious and corrupt nature of the witches. The vocabulary is archaic and typical of Elizabeth style. The language devices Shakespeare used are abundant; he uses figurative language, aural imagery, patterned sound, equivocation, biblical illusions, symbolism and personification. Act 1 Scene 1 opens with ‘thunder and lightening’. We establish that this scene could be evil as the weather suggests this. Hence Shakespeare has used pathetic fallacy to enhance atmosphere. It was believed that in superstitious times those fierce storms were omens of unrest in individual people and whole countries. The fact that the witches open the plays shows the theme of supernatural is integral to the play. Shakespeare used the weird witches to open the play to show that evil will taunt Macbeth and will influence what happens in the play. The unearthly creatures talk of the battle being, â€Å"lost and won.† This equivocation shows the witches have the power of prediction and that they have also been anticipating the fight for Macbeth’s soul. The witches actively seek to meet up with Macbeth; this portrays their meddling side to the audience. â€Å"there to meet Macbeth† The prophetic hags establish a link with the supernatural by calling their familiars. Their familiars were supposedly given to them from Satan to help with sorcery. â€Å"I come Greymalkin† The witches riddled phrases denote the confusion that will occur. Their ambiguous language addresses that things aren’t always as they seem. â€Å"fair is foul and foul is fair† This line is an analogy for the deceptive facade of Lady Macbeth. The witches ‘Exeunt’ by hovering through the air and by doing this; they are symbolically linked with the supernatural. From analysing the evidence in this scene, one can assume that the blame is directed to the witches, as they are meddling in Macbeth’s affairs and are being associated with evil. Act 1 scene 3 also opens with ‘thunder’. It shows the extreme nature of the prophetic hags. Their meeting place, the heath, is symbolic of the barren and empty nature of the witches. â€Å"blasted heath† The fact the witches meet again reinforces the idea of sisterhood and coven, â€Å"where hast thou been, sister?† One witch has been a gruesomely â€Å"killing swine.† This is a ritual killing for evil purposes. Another witch relates how a sailor’s wife denied her food, so decides to attack the sailor. It was superstition that if you denied a witch food then the witch would take steps to punish you. The dramatist uses a strong metaphor here, which creates imagery, â€Å"Aroint thee witch the rump-fed renyon cries† The witch turned herself into a rat and sailed in a sieve to corrupt the sailor’s ship. There is a symbolic suggestion in the word ‘rat’ that they are cunning and manipulative. Furthermore, the fact she turns herself into a rat indicates her lower status compared to her familiar. Therefore, her familiar is a lot more powerful than she is, as it is a cat. The witches are very civil to each other, which makes us question whether they really are intrinsically evil, â€Å"Th ‘art kind† Moreover, they speak in rhyming couplets; this increases the notion of incantation and makes their riddles more complex. The first witch produces a human thumb. This implies that she has used her magic for evil. Macbeth is announced with a symbolic drum. His future is told within a drumroll. Death. Macbeth’s opening words directly associate him with evil. â€Å"So fair and foul a day I have not seen† It is in reference to an earlier quote that the unearthly creatures spoke. This links his destiny with the witches and evil. Macbeth speaks with an important, unsure and hesitant tone and the Weird Sisters prophesise that Macbeth will be ‘Thane of Cawdor’ and ‘King hereafter’. This is what sparks ambitions. Banquo seems jealous but says Macbeth, â€Å"Seems rapt withal† He is in a trance and he may be possessed at this point, perhaps under the control of the supernatural. Banquo already recognises the witches to be unnatural and strange and is very vivid in his description of them. â€Å"So withered, and so wild in their attire, That look not like th’ inhabitants o’ th’ earth† In addition, Banquo may also be suggesting that Macbeth is greedy and expectant. â€Å"Speak then to me, who neither beg nor fear your favours or your hate† Even in his rapt state, Macbeth is still coherent enough to demand to know more. Thus he is in control of himself enough to absorb the information and calculate his actions. His tone becomes more commanding and demanding, hence Macbeth is capable of making his own decisions. â€Å"Stay you imperfect speakers tell me more† Macbeth feels powerful after having been victorious in battle. Macbeth is sadly deluded that he can control the elemental forces, which have succeeded in uncovering his raw ambition. One Macbeth learns he has been made Thane of Cawdor, Banquo says, â€Å"What can the devil speak true† This suggests that evil is at work, One must recognise that the witches never suggested murdering Duncan and it is essential to balance the evidence and make appropriate decisions. We learn of the Weird Sisters connection with evil and of their provoking and meddling, yet they never tell Macbeth to do anything they merely suggest. It is clear that Macbeth is showing his true colours by the end of the scene and is in complete control of his actions. One can reason that he is in ‘rapt state’, but after we are given this impression, there is also contrary evidence provided to suggest that he is in fact in control of his actions. The tone actively changes, commanding and directing. In Act 1 Scene 5, Macbeth has sent Lady Macbeth a letter and the first thing Macbeth writes about is the witches. Shakespeare is insinuating that the supernatural has a central role within the play. Macbeth writes, â€Å"while I stood rapt in wonder of it† We once again question whether he was possessed and can be held responsible for his actions. Macbeth calls Lady Macbeth, â€Å"my dearest partner of greatness† This suggests they have a good relationship and usually work together in partnership. Macbeth is aware that he may not have enough ambition. â€Å"That thou mightst not lose the dues of rejoicing by being ignorant of what greatness is promised thee† Macbeth is leaving the decisive action up to Lady Macbeth and hence is giving her freedom of choice. â€Å"Lay it to thy heart and farewell† Lady Macbeth realises that Macbeth is, â€Å"too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness† Lady Macbeth feels responsible for what happens so is plotting and planning for him. â€Å"Yet do I fear thy nature† Lady Macbeth reveals her thoughts about witchcraft and the supernatural by calling on evil spirits. â€Å"come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts† One can assume that she has been embroiled in the supernatural before. She calls on the spirits to change her into a ruthless human being. To take away her soft feminine qualities so that she can assist her ambitious husband who lacks the evil he will need. â€Å"unsex me here† After critically examining the evidence in this scene, one can point the finger of blame towards Lady Macbeth who calls on evil spirits so she can assist her husband. She is already planning and plotting murder. One can now connect her with the supernatural and evil. In Act 1 Scene 7, Macbeth starts to change his mind about the murder, â€Å"hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been, so clear in his great office† In contrast, Lady Macbeth shows optimum strength in this scene. She undermines Macbeth and challenges his manhood. â€Å"And live a coward in thine own esteem† Lady Macbeth plots and plans the murder of Duncan. All her actions are pre mediated, which implies that she is a cold heartless killer, â€Å"When Duncan is asleep whereto the rather shall his day’s hard journey soundly invite him-his two chamberlains. Will I with wine and wassail so convince, that memory, the warder of the brain, shall be a fume, and the receipt of reason a limbeck only; when in swinish sleep their drenched natures lie as in death† She is so cunning and conniving that she has thought everything through. â€Å"his spongy officers, who shall bear guilt† We are reminded of the earlier quotation, â€Å"fair is foul and foul is fair† It seems to be unfolding like a prophecy. There should be equilibrium in apportioning blame in this scene as Macbeth, though deciding against the murder, was convinced very quickly to go through with it. If he really hadn’t wanted to go through with the murder he would have put up a bit more resistance. One can reason that Lady Macbeth has a very strong influence over him and she knows how to use it to her advantage, especially in this scene as she challenges his manhood and has a carefully thought out plan. One could question whether she is inherently evil or whether Macbeth really had any other choice. In Act 2 Scene 1, Banquo is unable to sleep, as he is uncomfortable in the presence of evil thoughts. â€Å"Merciful powers, restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature gives way to in repose† Macbeth denies his involvement with the unearthly creatures. He is very careful to hide his guilt in murdering Duncan. This is the turning point for Macbeth; he is becoming more and more empowered, â€Å"I think not of them† Macbeth believes he sees a dagger in front of him. This could be a sign of his need to muster his courage, hence he intentionally visualises his evil swaying. This could also be the work of the supernatural. The word ‘dagger’ reminds us of the unnatural predictions, â€Å"That summens there to heaven or to hell† This soliloquy reveals Macbeth’s abnormal state of mind. It also reminds one of the unnatural witches who are products of hell. He believes he is becoming stronger, but ironically he is becoming weaker, as he is more and more disturbed as a result of the supernatural. One can use the evidence shown in this scene to appoint the blame to Macbeth as now he is denying any involvement with the witches and lying to his own friends as the supernatural is taking a hold of him. One could question his sanity as he sees a dagger, or one could reason that this is the supernatural meddling and taunting Macbeth. In Act 2 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are becoming more frail minded as they are beginning to realise what they have done in order to get what they want. Lady Macbeth jumps at the sound of an owl. This suggests that she is becoming frail minded and is extremely anxious. â€Å"Hark! Peace!† Other signs of the pair frail – mindness are that Lady Macbeth pleads with her husband not to go insane, which is ironic as this happens to her, and that Macbeth can’t wash the blood from his hands. â€Å"No, this my hand will rather the multitudnous seas incarnadine, making the green one red† He can’t literally wash the blood from his hands and also metaphorically he can’t wash away the guilt of what he has done from his blackened soul. For all Lady Macbeth’s evil words she still has some sort of conscience, as she can’t commit the murder herself. She is not as evil as she would like and maybe the evil spirits didn’t remove all of her soft gentle side. Macbeth is remorseful, but Lady Macbeth has achieved her desires. She is adamant that the dead can’t exact revenge. If anything she has been influenced and manipulated by the supernatural. â€Å"the sleeping and the dead are but as pictures. ‘Tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil† In this scene we see that Macbeth is regretting his devious actions, yet this passes very quickly. Lady Macbeth shows very little regret or remorse. One can reason that she couldn’t commit the murder herself so she can’t be all evil. Both are becoming weakened and anxious. Macbeth can’t return the daggers and is initially ashamed of himself. In Act 3 Scene 1, Macbeth has become more powerful. He has not yet converged with the witches, so we can assume that they haven’t complete power over him in this scene. Lady Macbeth and his own greed now directly influence everything he does. Macbeth has Banquo murdered, but it is his own madness that drove him to do it. He is now more in control of his destiny. â€Å"I will put that business in your bosoms whose execution takes your enemy off† He is level headed and cunningly instructs the murderers to plant themselves away from the palace. â€Å"I will advise you where to plant yourselves†¦.something from the palace† Macbeth gives the murderers reasons to kill Banquo, claiming that Banquo had held them â€Å"under fortune† This portrays his intelligence, but also emphasises his evil side. Macbeth is very clear in what he must do to secure the thrown without challenge. â€Å"We have scorched the snake but have not scorned it† This implies that there are more murders to come. Macbeth is not troubled by the murders he has committed. He is more worried that Fleance escaped. From this we can establish that he has little or no conscience. â€Å"Fool of scorpions of my mind dear wife thou know’st that Banquo and his Fleance lives† One must recognise that neither the supernatural nor Lady Macbeth had anything to do with the murders of Banquo or Fleance, yet Macbeth now uses a style not unlike the style Lady Macbeth had used on him. One could say that her influence has not left him unmarked and she still has some sort of control over him, though it is mostly his own greed that is spurring him on to commit these heinous acts. In Act 3 Scene 4, Macbeth is becoming increasingly cruel in his manner and shows no remorse in his friend’s death. â€Å"Tis better thee without than he within† He is referring to the blood on the murderer’s face. Macbeth is upset that Fleance has escaped because it jeopardises his plans and he realises that he can still feel fear. â€Å"But now I am cabined, cribbed, confined.† Shakespeare uses alliteration in this scene for dramatic effect, it emphasises that Macbeth is trapped, desperate and afraid. The use of the ‘c’ consonant is particularly effective since ‘c’ is a hard consonant. The sharp sound evoked by this letter emphasises Macbeth’s fear. He also uses rule of three for literary effect moreover, there is a great association with the number three and magic. The dramatist is once drawing us back into the supernatural and highlighting the fundamental importance of the role of the ‘prophetic hags’. â€Å"There the grown serpent lies, the worm that’s fled† This is an evocative metaphor used to describe Fleance. By calling him a serpent, Shakespeare is inferring that Macbeth sees him as devious, sneaky and sly. Macbeth sees an apparition of the deceased Banquo. We must question whether this is guilt or the supernatural meddling again. â€Å"Which of you have done this?† This is what we call an asside or soliloquy. A private moment where the character shares his thoughts with the audience. Lady Macbeth refers to Macbeth as a woman. It is ironic that Lady Macbeth feels so superior at this time, because shortly she becomes insane yet here she is perfectly sane. Macbeth reveals his evil intentions by explaining, â€Å"we are yet but young in deed† At the end of this scene Macbeth concludes that he will visit the Weird sisters (witches). His reliance on the supernatural is necessary to stifle his fear. One must recognise that he goes to the supernatural and not the other way about. Therefore, we blame Macbeth for going to the prophetic hags. Act 3 Scene 5 includes Hectate who is the supreme witch. This scene involves her scolding the witches for not involving her. This scene incriminates the witches which makes them responsible. â€Å"How did you dare to trade and traffic with Macbeth in riddles and affairs of death† Hectate also apportions some of the responsibility to Macbeth and believes the witches are wasting their time. â€Å"Loves for his own ends, not for you† The witches know Macbeth is coming to them and they will, â€Å"draw him on to his confusion† thus adding to the supernatural’s already existing evil. The inclusion of this scene means that the metaphorical finger is pointed at the ‘Weird Sisters’. However, most editors do not consider this scene to be written by Shakespeare. Therefore, this scene should not be included when considering the evidence. If it were, it would suggest that the elemental forces were to blame the whole way through the play. In Act 4 Scene 1, the witches are involved in a ritual, making a concoction for Macbeth to drink. They will be instruments of his doom. There is similar assonance present, to emphasise the riddled and confused nature of their speech and hence to magnify the idea that these are unnatural creatures. â€Å"chaudron†¦.cauldron† The way they chant together reveals their sisterhood. The prophecies they reveal are that Macbeth must be cautious of Macduff (thane of fife Nemises/avenger to Macbeth not born of a women); he will only be defeated when ‘Birnham Wood’ moves to Dunsinane and that no man born from a mothers womb can ever harm Macbeth. These predictions though extremely ambiguous, are riddled prophecies of Macbeth’s future. They only tell half-truths but they are also double meanings. Macbeth longs to feel secure. â€Å"Double double, toil and trouble† This enhances the fact that the meanings are going to be double edged. The incantation reveals the turmoil that lies ahead. Macbeth’s tone is demanding and he thinks he has the power to control the witches when he most certainly doesn’t. â€Å"I conjure you, by that which you profess† The witches recognise this and use it to their advantage by making Macbeth feel that he is in control by saying, â€Å"speak, demand, we’ll answer† They are now purposely taunting him and acting in a subservient way and their tone has changed. They lure him into a false sense of security. â€Å"say if thou’dst rather hear it from our moths or from our masters† Macbeth has become a puppet for the instruments of darkness. He has become conceited and believes he is untouchable. The prophetic hags have influenced and shaped him by implanting thoughts of grandeur into his head and extracting his ambition. He misinterprets the prophecies and still he isn’t satisfied. â€Å"Yet my heart throbs to know one thing† We condemn the witches more so because of the ingredients they put in their cauldron are foul, grotesque and inappropriate in the extreme, â€Å"Finger of birth strangled babe† Yet Macbeth decides to murder all related to Macduff. The killing of these innocents is perhaps his most evil act. It can’t be condoned, as they have nothing to do with the situation. Macbeth says, â€Å"From this moment, the very firstlings of my heart shall be, the firstlings of my hand† For this malevolent deed we blame him in this scene, as the witches never said anything about killing Macduff’s family. This is completely of his own accord. In Act 4 Scene 3, Malcolm (son of Duncan and prince of Cumberland) tests Macduff and when it is clear that they are both loyal and good, they plan what’s to be done. Macbeth has been energized by the witches and goes on a killing spree, murdering Lady Macduff and her son. â€Å"He has killed me mother† Once Malcolm and Macduff learn of the slaughter of Macduff’s family they are clear that Macbeth must be stopped immediately. They invite assistance from, â€Å"the powers of above,† Or the heavens to overthrow the tyrant. This suggests that the supernatural world can be fair as well as foul. This reminds us of the former equivocation, which is the central coda of the play. Macbeth is crazed by murder. His actions are now gratuitous, as he is hungry for murder. He was once subservient to the supernatural and now he is a transformed lunatic. He was once empowered by them and now is obsessed and insane. After analysing the evidence from this scene it is clear that Macbeth should be blamed and one must also recognise that there is evidence to show that the supernatural is not all bad. In Act 5 Scene 1, Lady Macbeth becomes completely crazed. Firstly she sleepwalks. Lady Macbeth hallucinates that she has blood on her hands, has sin on her soul. â€Å"Out damned spot, out I say†¦. Hell is murky† â€Å"will these hands ne’er be clean?† This juxtaposes what she has said previously. â€Å"A little water should cleanse me of these deeds† It is clear that her conscience troubles her and one must recognise that she is not wholly evil. In Act 5 Scene 3, Macbeth is still on a mission for power and will not go down without a fight. â€Å"I’ll fight until from my bones my flesh be hacked. Give me my armour† This image is gruesome and unwholesome and it reminds us of the witches and their evil deeds. His choice of language leads us to believe that his encounters with the weird witches had some sick satanic effect on him. His frustration is apparent and he is cruel towards the servant, but this is understandable as he is faced with the risk of battle. He also invites some sympathy when he admits, â€Å"my way of life has fallen into the sear† Yet he musters some confidence at the end and one could recognise that he brought this all on himself. In Act 5 Scene 5, we see the death of Lady Macbeth. She commits suicide, as her evil deeds were too hard to live with. One can recognise that she is not all evil, but merely weak and that she could not live with what she had done. Macbeth seems too far-gone in his evil ways to feel real fear. At the end of scene five Macbeth begins to question the moral fibre of the witches. â€Å"I pull in resolution and begin to doubt th’ equivocation of the field† Even on the stake he ponders over how he could be killed when the witches promise differently. â€Å"Whats he that was not born of a woman† He still stupidly believes in what he was told. He has been duped as Macduff was, â€Å"from his mothers womb untimely ripped† Macbeth still shouts orders and damn’s others, yet ironically, it is he that is damned. After critically studying the evidence of that scene we blame Macbeth, as he is evil right to the very end and still obsessed with the supernatural and what the witches have told him. After close critical analysis it is my view that responsibility is swayed in each scene, yet on the whole each party are equally to blame for the bloodshed. There is sufficient evidence to imply that each party had a vital function in the outcome. Macbeth was not wholly responsible for the outcomes of the play, yet he is partly to blame for murdering for his own gains. It is obvious that sometimes he is said to be in a ‘rapt’ state and one could question whether he had been possessed by the Weird witches. However, even in his ‘rapt’ state he still seems to be in control of himself. Macbeth never actually calls the three women witches, only weird sisters or prophetic hags; thus one must question whether they actually have any power or only the power of suggestion. They never actually instruct Macbeth to murder anyone, yet they alongside Lady Macbeth work to water the seed of ambition. Fate may have intended Macbeth to seize the throne; the witches may just have been instruments to support this notion and provide Macbeth with guidance. The prophetic hags tempt Macbeth into using his ambition for his own gains and they have knowledge that Lady Macbeth is a power – hungry woman who will aid Macbeth. One must assume that they too are evil as they cast spells, provide apparitions and implant notions of power and grandeur. Furthermore, the spells they cast are extreme and the ingredients are highly inappropriate, this further denounces the witches. â€Å"finger of birth strangle babe† In Jacobean times spells were thought to be powerful concoctions brewed for evil purposes. The witches encourage Macbeth to become more confident and assertive and Macbeth is linked with them from the start. He is linked through his phrasing and they talk of him before they are even introduced hence one could say that it is their primary intent to corrupt Macbeth. â€Å"There to meet with Macbeth† Macbeth allows himself be corrupted and is easily lead. His ambition was already there; the witches simply helped it grow. They cannot be held completely accountable as they only fuel and drive his ambition. Lady Macbeth must also be partly blamed for the outcome. She pushed, pressurised and coldly planned the murder of Duncan. She took control and handled the murders as unsexed entity. If not for her, Macbeth may never have murdered Duncan and if he had never murdered Duncan then he would never have got a taste for power or greed. It was only when he first murdered that his hunger escalated and he became driven by greed and ambition. Though one may assume that she is not all evil, as she could not live with herself for the crimes she had committed and became insane. Some critics insist that Macbeth was tricked, cajoled, tempted and guided by the supernatural forces and hence he is not to blame. However, it is my interpretation that the ‘Weird Sisters’ did tempt, taunt and tease him. They sparked his ambition, but that ambition already lay within Macbeth; the witches simply brought in to the surface. Had the unearthly creatures not have done this one could argue Macbeth would never have thought of killing Duncan. Yet this is only a presumption. One must clearly recognise that witches under any circumstances told Macbeth to murder. Had Lady Macbeth not tackled and challenged Macbeth’s manhood, one could argue Macbeth may never have murdered Duncan or become embroiled in future murders. Yet it is clear that though in the early stages Lady Macbeth and the supernatural influenced Macbeth, he became a murdering lunatic all of his own accord and was in control of what he was doing. He chose his destiny and killed innocents without any influence from anyone except the influence of his own greed and desire. Macbeth is insatiable, ruthless and domineering. Yet none of the guilty parties are blameless. All three caused the tragedy and only with all three present could the tragedy have been caused. All three parties are portrayed with blame, the tragedy is more satisfying. A seventeenth century audience would have believed, Macbeth was not fully responsible, because witches were prevalent within their society yet a modern day audience would blame Macbeth fully, as they would contemplate that he had no excuse. She believes that it is easier to surface some pity for Macbeth when he is not the only one to blame but part of a triangle of guilt. In my opinion, it is easier to muster sympathy for a person who is not entirely to blame for their actions; in the case of Macbeth, the tragedy is more successful if the popular seventeenth century mentality is adopted, and thereby the witches and Lady Macbeth are made partly to blame for his downfall.